Sunday, October 29, 2006

On a lighter note - here we are at Whitefish Falls in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Yes, this is a "hold-out-the-camera-and-shoot" picture. Not too bad. - Carolyn

Stepping into Forever

Yesterday was the last step before Kevin and I go to the Boston Temple to be sealed. A sealing is a religious ceremony in the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that opens the door to eternal families. Yesterday we interviewed with the Stake President to obtain our recommend - our authority to enter the temple and to be sealed. I am very excited and I understand better than I ever did what this all means. This has been a wonderful, happy, peaceful, growing 3 1/2 years. I can't imagine life without Kevin. I know - I am getting "pukey" as my kids would say. But we do have a remarkable marriage.

I would give a word of advice to the unmarried. When you ponder on marrying someone you love (or think you love) ask yourself if you want the same things and if both of you are willing to do what it takes to have those things. And I don't mean a new plasma TV. I mean things like this: children, closeness, spirituality, spiritual growth, intellectual growth, a peaceful home, a rowdy home, lots of time alone, not much time alone, a stay-at-home mom, a home of strict discipline, a home of warm love, lots of entertaining, lots of travel, a home in the country, a home in the suburbs, an apartment in a busy city, to go wherever the job pays the most, to live where it is low key but maybe the jobs are not as good-paying, spending money to make life now good, saving to make life later good - those kinds of things. If you want the same things and both of you are willing to work toward them (it takes both - one cannot drag the other to the goal) then you can have a marvelous marriage. Of course it also takes attraction, affection, fun, a little romance and real, true love. When you are truly "one" the little things don't matter. You don't lose yourself to become one. You both are magnified. I know this now. - Carolyn