Saturday, April 28, 2007

Summer's on it's way (supposedly)

Well, the weather has warmed to the 50's in the UP. Not quite up to spring-time but people are in shorts and sandals (this IS the UP after all - we're a tough breed). Yes, people in Florida - this is warm weather. This is a picture of one of our cooler-weather visitors, a pileated woodpecker (Carolyn says, "Yes, I know, I kind of obsess with woodpeckers. If you want to see all my discussions on woodpeckers and other science stuff see my science blog").

Last Sunday was in the 80's, a brief aberration but nice nonetheless. After church and a brief nap, we had the missionaries and Jennifer and Robert over for dinner then went to Jennifer and Robert's property to look at the excavation. It was exciting to see where their house will go.

The snow is gone except for some remnants on the ski hill. A couple of years ago there was still a tiny pile on the 4th of July. Of course they make snow there all winter so it is deeper and harder packed. There is no snow anywhere else. There are stories though of people cutting ice from Lake Superior for their 4th of July celebration. That hasn't happened for about 100 years though. Usually by then it is well into the high 70's or 80's in the daytime. The nice thing is that, even when it is really hot, it cools to the 50's or 60's at night and you can just open the windows for some of our cool, smog-free, balsam-smelling air. Don't you wish you were here for the summer?

This summer we are doing some family visiting, temple-hopping, and baseball game attending. After that, Kevin is taking some classes and I am teaching a couple of courses in science education. We are offering a 2 week institute for K-12 science teachers during July. Anyone interested can go to Carolyn's science blog or e-mail her.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

On the road again.......

Actually only Carolyn was on the road. During winter break (the UP has no spring) Carolyn flew to Oklahoma to see the new grandbaby Liam (a beautiful baby if we may say so) and Ella. And, of course, their parents, Andrew and Carolyn's Mom. When Carolyn left the UP there was about a foot of snow left on the ground. When she came back it was all gone - temporarily. Here is a picture of the kids (Ella and Liam) chillin' outside in the 70-plus weather in Oklahoma.

After being home 3 days, Carolyn drove to Grand Rapids, Michigan for the Michigan Science Teachers Association Annual Conference where she gave four presentations and stayed in the very posh Amway Grand Hotel.

She was home again for 10 days and then flew to St. Louis for the National Science Teachers Association Annual Conference where she presented with a group of NASA educators and scientists a full day workshop on Living and Working in Space: Habitat. A highlight of the trip was sitting by Buzz Aldrin (who walked on the moon) on the shuttle. Shuttle bus but was pretty cool. We plan on going back (together this time) this summer to see a Cardinals game and do some more visiting.

Here she is enjoying the weather and scenery in downtown St. Louis. The picture on the right is Carolyn in the workshop.

Now she is home again for about 19 days then she drives to Lansing for the annual retreat of the Michigan Science Teachers Association board. She is the Region 13 Director. So, basically, between March 1 and April 22 Carolyn has been gone 21 days. Lots of people do that but not us - it is pretty tiring especially when teaching in between.