Nope, the blog was not dead. It has been hibernating! You know - like critters do when there's a lot of snow - like this: Yes, that's me on April 12 this year outside our house. I am SO ready for spring! Let's hope this is the end of the snow.
So what are we up to? Other than 2 ft of white stuff? I went to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving then we both went for Christmas. Between then, I was able to go to Rhode Island for MJ's baptism. Since then we've been crazy busy with school, work, and, for me, traveling.
Makwa turned "almost 50" today (i.e., 49). Since I was traveling all weekend I didn't make a cake but he got cupcakes at church where we had a potluck after our Ward conference. I did make a good stew though.

We've got one more week of classes then finals week. It would be nice to say that things are winding down then but they aren't. They are going to be nuts until August. Then they will wind down. Let's just hope we don't have any more snow. Here's a picture we took today outside the church.